Hungry Dragon is a Chinese restaurant specializing in spicy Hunan dishes. It does not have a website, but it has a Twitter account where customers can post comments. On every other week, for a 12 week period, Hungry Dragon has a 25% price discount on anything bought before 6 p.m. A Hungry Dragon employee is assigned the task of watching posts on the Twitter account and judging if one-third or more are comments on: (1) complaints, (2) saving time, or (3) “brand love” for Hungry Dragon. The resulting dataset follows. In the table, a “1” signals a “yes” response, while a “2” signals “no.”









Enter this data into SPSS and apply the appropriate associative analysis method. What do the Hungry Dragon customers’ Twitter posts reveal about the relationship between the price promotions and the following: complaints about Hungry Dragon, brand love for Hungry Dragon, and saving time by using Hungry Dragon?

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