Sergeant Tom Gresham is newly promoted and assigned to patrol on the graveyard shift; he knows each officer on his shift and several of them are his close friends. Gresham was an excellent patrol officer and prides himself on his reputation as a “cop’s cop” and his ability to get along with his peers; in fact, he frequently socializes with them after work. He believes his officers perform very well, particularly as they generate the highest number of arrest and citation statistics in the entire department. Unfortunately, his shift is also generating the highest number of citizen complaints for abusive language and improper use of force, and you—his shift lieutenant—have learned in conversations with the city attorney’s office that some citizens are contemplating legal action. When questioned, Gresham tells you that such complaints are “the price of doing business.” You outline for him several examples of use-of-force complaints lodged against his officers during the past few weeks while he was away on vacation. However, it is clear that Gresham still fails to grasp the seriousness of the complaints and how his supervisory style may have contributed to them.

a. What do you believe are some of Sergeant Gresham’s problems as a new supervisor? Could anything have been done before he assumed his new position to help him understand his role better? b. As Gresham’s superior officer, what advice would you give to him? Are there any other supervisory or command officers who you should ask to be involved in dealing with the situation? c. What corrective action(s), if any, might Sergeant Gresham immediately take with his shift of officers?

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