You are a registered migration agent. Your former client. Desmond Paris. who you have previously assisted in being granted a Student Class TU (Subclass 500) visa, attends your office. Desmond is now a permanent resident and he informs you that he used another registered migration agent to assist him with his application for permanent residency. You are cunous as to why he did not return to you for assistance and ask Desmond about it. Desmond advises you that your fees were too high. However. in hind sight. he was much happier with your services and now seeks your assistance to lodge a Parent Class GH (Subclass 870) visa for his father. You have never assisted with this kind of application before, but you are hesitant to say no. as he is a former client.
You set up a SKYPE conference with Desmond and his father and obtain comprehensive instructions and agree to lodge a Parent Class GH (Subclass 870) visa. You discuss the fees and Desmond agrees to transfer $5,500 plus the Department of Home Affair’s visa application fee into your office account tomorrow.
What are your obligations under the Migration Agents Regulations 1998 (Cth) and the prescribed Code of Conduct?
You are required to support your answer by specific reference to legislative and regulatory provisions.

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