.What are the significant factors that have led to the success of Shoppers’ Stop? 2.Draw the typical profile(s) of Shoppers’ Stop customer segments.

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Examination Paper Semester I: Marketing Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Semester-1 Examination Paper MM.100 Marketing Management Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) • This section consists of Multiple Choices & Short Notes type Questions. • Answer all the Questions. • Part one carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 4 marks each. Part one: Multiple choices: 1. It is a concept where goods are produced without taking into consideration the choices or tastes of customers a. Marketing mix b. Production concept c. Marketing concept d. Relationship marketing 2. It involves individuals who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale a. Environment analysis b. Macro environment c. Micro environment d. Consumer 3. It is the groups of people who interact formally or informally influencing each other’s attitudes& behavior a. Consumer behavior b. Culture c. Reference groups d. Primary groups 4. The concept of the product that passes through various changes in its total life known as a. Product life cycle b. Line stretching c. Consumer adoption d. Product 5. It refers to unique set of brand associations that brand strategist aspires to create or maintain a. Branding b. Packaging c. Brand identity d. Brand image IIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper Semester I: Marketing Management 6. It involves a pricing strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service a. Promotional pricing b. Price discrimination c. Non price competition d. None 7. It refers to an arrangement where another company through its own marketing channel sells the products of one producers a. End customer b. Wholesaler c. Retailing d. Strategic channel alliance 8. It involves facility consisting of the means & equipments necessary for the movement of…

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