1. a) Distinguish the following terms used in reproductive physiology.
I) calving interval and gestation period (2 marks)
II) Oestrus and Oestrus cycle. (2 marks)
III) Graafian follicle and corpus luteum. (2 marks)
IV) fertilization and conception. (2 marks)
b) Give four possible explanation for the observation of blood or blood ringed fluid in the vulva of domestic animals. (4 marks)
. c) Name three types of cells found in the testis and indicate their respective functions. (3 marks)
. d) Give five characteristics used in semen evaluation. (5 marks)
. f) State three advantages and two disadvantages of artificial insemination as compared to natural service. (5 marks)
2. a) What is puberty? (1 marks)
b) Briefly describe the changes that occur in the female genitalia of domestic animals during puberty. (4 marks)
c) Briefly describe five factors that determine the onset of puberty in farm animals. (10 marks)
3. a) Name two main phases of the ovarian cycle. (2 marks)
. b) Briefly describe the structural changes that occur in the ovary of a cow during the two phases in a) above. (5 marks)
. c) Briefly outline the roles of various hormones in the ovarian cycle. (8 marks)
4. a) Briefly describe the three stages of labour. (9 marks)
b) Briefly outline three causes of dystocia that can be attributed to the foetus. (6 marks)
5. With an illustration,describe the internal structure of the mammary gland if a cow. (4 marks)
b) Briefly explain the process of milk synthesis. (3 marks)
c) Explain what is milk let down reflex. (3 marks)
d) What are the properties and composition of milk that make it suitable as the initial food for young animals. (5 marks)






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