For a CBR connection, here are some values from an ATM operator:
peak cell rate (cells/s) 100 1000 10000 100000
CDVT (microseconds) 2900 1200 400 135
1. What are the (P, B) parameters in b/s and bits for each case ? How does T compare to τ ?
2. If a connection requires a peak cell rate of 1000 cells per second and a cell delay variation of 1400 microseconds, what can be done ?
3. Assume the operator allocates the peak rate to every connection at one buffer. What is the amount of buffer required to assure absence of loss ? Numerical Application for each of the following cases, where a number N of identical connections with peak cell rate P is multiplexed.
case 1 2 3 4
nb of connnections 3000 300 30 3
peak cell rate (c/s) 100 1000 10000 100000