Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an approach to urban planning and design that
aims to minimize hydrological impacts of urban development on the surrounding
environment. The typical WSUD technologies include infiltration systems, bio-retention
systems, vegetated and bio-filtration swales, permeable and porous pavements, constructed
wetlands, green roofs, vegetated filter strips and rainwater tanks. These technologies are aids
for solving the everyday problems of small scale stormwater management–flood control,
pollution control and stormwater harvesting.
The task is to investigate the role of WSUD technologies for stormwater
quality control. Select any two WSUD technologies listed above. Read around twenty related
materials including journal and conference papers, government reports and technical
manuals. Prepare a review paper on how the selected WSUD technologies can be used for
enhancing stormwater quality. Your focus in the report will be the effective treatments of
stormwater pollutants including TSS, TN, TP, BOD, COD, heavy metals, E. coli etc. by using
the selected WSUD technologies.

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