Individual Assignment – Rationale:
During the study of this module, we have discussed a variety of topics within the domain of operations and supply chain management, including operations strategy, performance evaluation, project management, process design, service/product design, supply chain network design, layout design, supply chain management, to name a few.
In learning these topics, we have taken different activities, such as case studies, group presentations, problem-solving exercises, field observations, and simulation games to help us not only to understand the concepts and theoretical frameworks we learned, but more importantly, to be able to think independently and critically, and apply the theories from books to real-life problems.
This individual assignment is designed to provide you an opportunity to demonstrate just that – your capability as a critical and independent thinker. You may also want to take this opportunity to demonstrate to the examiners your great understanding in the topics, ability to apply the theories to real businesses, and ability to conduct research on your own and write a good essay about it.

Within the scope of supply chain and operations management, choose one topic that you are most interested in. Write an essay of 2,500 words to discuss this topic in-depth.
Your essay is required to include:
1) a critical literature review of the topic of your choice. The literature review will provide a summary of recent research conducted in your topic area. Try to identify the main theories and latest development in the area and critically review their findings. And
2) a case study. Use a case of real business to discuss how the theories in your topic area can be applied to the case.
The essay should be written following a logical structure, with an introduction section at the beginning and a summary/conclusion section at the end, followed by references (compulsory) and appendix (optional). You should ensure the information acquired from various sources are critically evaluated and appropriately referenced.

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