Using the fileInvoiceData.accdb, complete thereports & queries below. Before submitting your work, make sure your file has two reports and seven queries.


Show allfields of allrecords, grouped byShipMode and then byOrderPriority

ForeachShipMode, show the sum ofprofit grouped byProductContainer. You can include the sums using the “Summary Options” button in the third Report Wizard window, where you select ascending or descending order.

2) Queries:

Show the Sales,OrderDate andShipDate fields (only) of any recordswhere theShipDate is inApril (any year)andthe Regionis Yukon.

For eachRegion, show the sum of Sales for each of itsProvinces. You should have one sum for each {Region, Province} pair.

Show all fields of any records withProfitat least $100AND theShipMode isExpress Air.

For eachRegion and year (2018 through 2021), show the sum of Profit from the months ofJanuary,February,and March (useOrderDate). The sum should be for the entirethree-month range. EachRegion should have a separate value foreach {Region, year} pair.

Show all fields of any records withSalesabove $1000OR theShipMode isDelivery Truck.

Show average Sales for each Province, using all records with a 2019OrderDate. You should only have oneaveragevalue per province.

Show allfields of anyrecordswhere theShipModeis Express Air and theProductContainer isSmall Box.

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