Question I [10 Marks]
Objective: To perform function point analysis.
Steps :
- Provide detailed analysis of input, output, queries and files for the given SRS
- Use section 3.1.1 User interfaces (pages 7 & 8), but you still can use the whole documentation if you need.
- Calculate Unadjusted Function Point Count (UFC) and Adjusted Function Point for the determined EI, EO, EQ, EIF and ILF
Question II [5 Marks]
Objective: To calculate software code length using Halstead method
Consider the following code snippet
import java.util.Scanner;
public class FahrenheitToCelsius {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print(“Enter a degree in Fahrenheit: “);
double fahrenheit = input.nextDouble();
// Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
double celsius = (5.0 / 9) * (fahrenheit – 32);
System.out.println(“Fahrenheit ” + fahrenheit + ” is ” +
celsius + ” in Celsius”);
- Determine number of operators (μ1).
- Determine number of operands (μ2).
- Determine the program length in terms of the total number of occurrences of operators (N1) and operands (N2)
- Estimate program length
General Guidelines:
Project is due to be submitted in LMS by 25-Apr-2018. Every day late submission after the due date will attract 10% deduction in the mark allotted.