Threat detection technologies-develop a security plan employing relevant technologies to detect contextual threats

  1. Your task is to develop a Security Plan for a threat detection system employing relevant technologies. The Plan could be divided into the following sections:
    • An overarching guideline
    • Characterization of the site and its facilities
    • Identified of threats
    • Specify the threat detection system using a performance criterion

    The Smith-Brooks Corporation



    The Smith-Brooks Corporation is a specialised communications company that design and develop Integrated Circuit for large multinational communications companies.

    Founded by Mick Grey in 1990, Smith-Brooks Co. is today is at the leading edge of the design and development of specialised Integrated Circuits for large multinational communications companies. Smith-Brooks Co. has distribution channels covering the United States, Europe and Asia.

    Backed by a well-trained logistics team, Smith-Brooks Co. collaborates with the most reliable shipping lines to supply its customers with high-value Integrated Circuits through a professional, reliable service. Headquartered in xxxxxx, it is perfectly positioned to be a major player in the East-West supply chain.

    Smith-Brooks Co. mission is to remain the market leader in its field. We aim to maintain our leading role in the design and supply to our global customers and to share our international trading and transportation expertise. Our customers include some of the region’s most prominent communications firms. Our operations reflect world-class standards of service and quality.

    Smith-Brooks Co. is a rapidly growing company, which has matured into a highly respected, major supplier to its target markets. The challenges and growth of its dynamic market sectors forecast an equally exciting future.

    Location and Facilities

    Smith-Brooks Co. is located in an industrial area, surrounded by other medium and light manufacturers. These range from steel fabricators to boat builders, as well as warehouses and distributions centres.

    The site has a number of general and specialised buildings:

    • Administration Office
    • Production Facility
    • Security Storage Facility

    These buildings are shown in the plans of the facility that follow this description of the organisation, and present an abbreviated description of physical components of the company. The site for the Smith-Brooks Co. facility includes the structural plans for the administration office, production facility, and the security storage facility. The site is enclosed by a high security fence with appropriate target hardening in the barrier to resist a physical attack and climbing by individuals.

    The production facility contains a clean manufacturing area, a control area for production, test facilities for the integrated circuits, and a loading bay for the products.

    The administration facility contains management and clerical offices, together with a centralised computer network that services the entire site. A plant room is associated with the administration facility for the services of the location.

    A secure storage facility is located within the boundaries of the site, but removed from the location of the administration centre. The function of the storage facility is to provide a high level of security for materials that will require protection for the well being of the organisation.



    The organisation comprises of a total of 56 staff, ranging from office to production staff.


    Figure 1. The Smith-Brooks Organisational Structure


    Clients range from US, Europe and East Asia Communication manufacturers.

    Smith-Brooks Co. is actively seeking clients in China, with its rapidly expanding communications sector and manufacturing base.


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