The ability to critically reflect upon oneself and one’s actions is a critical management skill. In particular, managerial self-awareness can be enhanced through examination of one’s own prior actions, which can help improve our understanding of previously unquestioned beliefs and assumptions. Courses such as Foundations of Management provide an occasion for both reconsidering some of one’s own taken-for-granted assumptions, but also to consider other perspectives or alternative ways of viewing and handling management situations.

For this assignment, think of a challenging management situation you have experienced, either when you have acted as the ‘manager’ or as the ‘subordinate’. This situation could relate to paid employment, volunteer work, a student association you have been involved with, or even your family. Draw on the reading materials from Lecture 3 (Individual Behaviour in Organisations), and Lecture 4 (Management and Teamwork) to complete this exercise, which has the following four parts:

  1. Describe the situation (approximately 100-200 words). How did you handle it at the time?
  2. Analysis: What sense can you make of this situation today, given the concepts you have learned about in weeks 3 & 4 of the course? (approx. 300-400 words).
  3. Reconstruction: How might you have handled the situation differently, given what you have now learned? (approx. 200-300 words).
  4. What have you learned about yourself through this process? What skills do you wish to further develop in yourself over the coming months of your studies? (approx. 200-300 words).

Total: 1000 words                                                        


Assessment Criteria

  1. Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
  2. Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation)
  3. Attention to purpose
  4. Referencing
  5. Content and range
  6. Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
  7. Analysis
  8. Critical reasoning / critical thinking
  9. Self-criticism (include. reflection on practice)


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