1. The Origin of Tetrapods As you might know, tetrapods diverged from ancestors that lacked many features found in terrestrial animals. How did paired limbs arise? Did they arise from fish? Tiktaalik is an extinct species that many feel represents the transition from lobe-finned fish to amphibians. Click on the link on your Ulearns LECTURE site (Lab 7 folder) to the video on Great Transitions: The Origin of Tetrapods. Watch the following two video segments:
a) beginning to 5:21, and
b) 12:56 till the end. (The video is only 17 minutes. Feel free to watch it all. It's COOL!!!)
a. There is a common skeletal architecture inside the limbs of most tetrapods. What is the pattern of shared bones?
b. Are tetrapod limbs homologous or homoplasious? 


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