For contemporary security professionals, risk arises from a combination of a threat exploiting
some vulnerability such that it could cause some harm to an asset, where an asset is
considered anything with value and in need of protection, normally including people,
information, property and reputation. In addressing security risk concerns, Standards
Australia HB167 security risk management (2006, p. 63) states “the key elements of
organisational, community or individual security controls are those components which
contribute to the management of risks through their ability to deter, detect, delay, respond and
recover from adversary attacks”. As such, a security program’s objectives in controlling for
security related risks are to deter, detect, delay/deny, respond and where necessary recover
from reasonably foreseeable attack scenarios. Physical security is the term used to describe
the physical measures designed to safeguard people, prevent unauthorised access to property
and to protect assets against sabotage, damage and theft.
Therefore, a security risk management plan determines the level of treatment controls
required based on a facility’s risk rating and are implemented in accordance with the theory
of defence in depth. The theory of defence in depth aims to link layered security elements
into a system incorporating people, technology, barriers and procedures to ensure a holistic
and functional security system. Garcia (2001, p. 6) writes the theory of Defence in Depth
should be implemented in security management using a systems approach. Such views are
supported by many published security authors (Underwood, 1984; Fennelly, 1997; Fisher &
Green, 2003) where it is argued that security is seen as a whole, and both designed and
operated as a system”; where systems are defined as “sets of elements standing in
interaction”, or “a set of interrelated components that function together within constraints
towards a common purpose”, or “an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a
complex or unitary whole”.
You are to review the literature relating to Systems Theory and Physical Security and respond
to the questions:
(a) What is a systems approach to physical security?
(b) Why is a systems approach necessary for the protection of assets?

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