, you need write at least one paragraph explaining how the technological inventions you identified have helped to shape modern society.
The submit instructions below recommend that you put your graphics into Microsoft Word. If you would like to use a different software or file type make sure to clear it with your instructor first. Be conscience of file size; your instructor will be viewing your work on a computer screen so images can and should be low resolution. (Large file sizes with high resolution are only meant for printing purposes.) If you are having trouble submitting your work to the dropbox it could be because your file is too large. If you find yourself in this situation, first try to reduce the resolution of any images used and then try to resubmit.
Refer to the Instructions for Resizing Images document if you would like suggestions on how to reduce image resolution (it includes info about a free software download). If you cannot reduce file size further and are still having trouble uploading your project to the dropbox, contact your instructor and arrange to hand it in using the Doc Sharing area.