An “A” paper effectively incorporates the readings/online discussion.  Please note your sources by referring to the article author and page number, or classmate’s name and date if mentioning something from online discussion.  Remember that for all paper topics, you must cite sources.  For all of these topics, it is not necessary to do outside reading for this assignment, but if you refer to anything that is not from class (whether it is a website or something in print), include that reference information in a bibliography.





Suppose that you are a caregiver of a young child (0-5 years old).  You can pretend to be a paid nanny (feel free to choose your favorite celebrity), or that you are taking care of a relative (they can be fictional).  Assign a name, age, and gender to the child.  You can also describe their temperament and/or personality and preferences.  Based on what you’ve learned in this class, describe what your goals would be in terms of their cognitive development.  What would you do in order to support their cognitive development?



Class texts include:


Eliot, L. (1999). What’s going on in there? How the brain and mind develop in the first five years of life. New York: Bantam. ISBN 0553378252.


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Prepare an informative radio script that discusses a current health or social issue. Your finished script should be around 400 words in length. Select a topic or issue that interests you, then plan and draft a radio script in which you provide objective information on this topic or issue. The purpose of your program is to help your listeners understand the impact of unhealthy lifestyle choices. You should refer to various support materials such as a book, documentary, factual newspaper article, photograph, and statistics which support the issue discussed and provide evidence for the recommendations. You should include interviews with at least one expert who is knowledgeable on the topic you choose, in addition to one person who has personally experienced or been impacted by the problem you discuss. As you are writing and editing your script, make sure you set out your argument in paragraphs with clear topic sentences, and that you provide reasons, examples and evidence to support your point of view. Refer to the step-by-step guide to creating your radio script in the learning resource. Use your own paper to complete this task. Remember to follow the drafting and editing process required for English units.

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