Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Hotel Industry

Summer Palace Hotels is a five-star international hotel group that operates in more than 50 countries around the world. Their CEO and management have engaged you as the consultant. In order for their business to remain competitive and profitable, the Summer Palace group is thinking of moving from a traditional tranansactial marketing business to a relationship marketing focused business. to gain insights into how their current CRM practices are keeping pace with the industry.

  • Your task is to prepare a report to the CEO by undertaking the three (3) task below.

Task A)

Customer relationship management (CRM) remains as relevant today as it was during its inception., this is particularly true with the hotel industry, where the way hotels manage customer relationships often define their competitive edge (Piccoli et al. 2003). However, due to continual and ‘seismic’ changes to major impacting forces, hotels and the hotel industry need to respond to these changes continually in order to stay relevant to their customers.

  • Describe how the hotel industry (in general) has changed or evolved since the 1990s until now in terms of;
    • consumers
    • marketplace

(Suggested 200 words in each part; Maximum 400 words).

Task B)

Based on your answers in part A), how do you think these changes would have impacted (specifically) on Summer Palace’s CRM strategy and practices?

(Suggested 400 words for each part, Maximum 800 words).

Task C The summer palace hotels has asked you as a senior consultant in the CRM industry to:     Develop and implement CRM strategies that will benefit Summer Palace hotels and will eventuate as a definite competitive advantage.

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