1. “A community is made up of interrelated parts which serve different functions to maintain the health of a community members”. Discuss the validity of this statement in light of the current health status in rural areas . Use examples to support your answer.
2. Using relevant examples, discuss how gender relations influence health in  communities. Suggest possible measures that may be put in place to improve health status of women.
3. The use of traditional medicine persists in many communities in Africa. Using relevant example, explain why this is the case. What are the problems associated with the use of traditional medicines in Africa?
4. Using relevant examples, critically discuss the role of primary Health Care programmmes in improving health in rural communities . What challenges are associated with the implementation of these programmes
5. Discuss the basic principles of health education for communities. Why do you think health education is important for both rural nd urban communities? Use examples t0o support your answer.
6. Critically discuss the major factors that influence utilisation of health care services. Use clear examples to support your answer.





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