Students will draft a contract for a client (funeral home), representing themselves as trade Funeral Directors & Embalmers. In this assignment you will be required to create a contract with a funeral home where you will be performing trade services. This is a project where you will need to research what trade funeral directors and embalmers do. You may use materials learned in your textbooks, lectures, presentations, clinical experiences, the internet, and Discussions with licensed practitioners and your instructor. Directions: To begin you will need to determine the type of contract this is. Is a Real Estate, Services, or Sale of Goods Contract? There should be no questions about the form of contract, it will be written. The contract may be bilateral or unilateral, this will be determined within the content of the contract. Please be sure to represent facts and that there are no misrepresentations within contract. Contracts are long because they contain a lot of material, which covers both parties in cases of “breach of contract”. Remember the goal here is to create a legally binding contract, which is enforceable by law. ? Key components of the contract that must be included: ? Is it voidable? ? Correct terminology of the two parties- • Offeror • Offeree ? Real Assent (Assent may be lacking due to mistake, fraudulent misrepresentation, undue influence or duress.) ? Capacity (Contract is voidable if either party is a minor or intoxicated and void if legally incapacitated) ? Consideration (How much will you charge and when do you expect payment) ? Duration of the Contract ? Exceptions ?