Without being obvious mimic the person’s movements. Walk the way they walk. Move the way they move. Observe the person for at least 10-15 minutes. Then immediately write down your observations. What were you feeling and thinking when you were “walking” or “moving” like the person you were observing.

Write a brief description of what you saw and felt. Including a description of where you went, how you decided who to observe, and what you did to mimic the person’s movements. (5 points)


Describe your feelings and thoughts as you tried to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Also, describe what you think the person you were observing was feeling and thinking.  What are your mirror neurons telling you about their intentions, motives, and feelings? (2 points)


What insights do you have about how important empathy is to social work practice? What is a question or two that came up for you while reviewing the material for this week?  (3 points)

Remember to use full and grammatical sentences. Be clear and write a minimum of 300 words, not more than 500 words.
In addition to writing your own post, each person must respond to 2 other people’s posts. The response should be fairly brief and well written attempting to answer the person’s question(s) and provide any insight/comments/feedback to their post. It must be a minimum of 60 words each. (5 points)

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