The objective of this project is to get you a hands-on experience in designing a realistic enterprise
network. As in real-life problems, you have a large degree of flexibility in developing your design
and in making different assumptions. However, both the design and the assumptions should be
sound, and they should be based on literature, standard or industry best practices whenever possible.
There is no single correct answer for this project, marks will be awarded based on the criteria
explained in this document following the rubric on Canvas.
Project Assignment Instructions
• Start working on this assignment as soon as possible!
• Check Canvas for the due date of this assignment
• This written assignment (Project) worth 30% of the total mark
• This assignment is individual
• This assignment gives a large room for the student to be innovative and to propose their
own ideas
• Marks will be awarded as follows (details is in the rubric on Canvas)
o Depth of literature review
o Neat figures, plots, and illustrations (drawn by the student)
o Clarity of writing and equations
o Novelty and innovation
o Sound assumptions and parameters
o Simulation code / Simulation setup
o Proper references Use IEEE citation style
• It is expected to have a document of 8-16 pages long (3000-4500 words) – excluding the
code/configuration which should be included as an appendix
• Submission should be a single PDF file.
• Include Matlab code as an appendix to your submission (in the same PDF file), the code
needs to be neatly written with clear annotation (comments). Also, it needs to be
consistent with the assignment text and well explained.
o Coding/scripting language needs to be in Matlab
o It is indeed allowed to use libraries and functions (both built-in and external),
however it should be clearly identified in the code which part was developed by the
student and which part was taken from other sources.
o Since Turnitin is activated, only include the part of the code that you wrote
• Include routers configurations using Cisco Packet Tracer: Running Configuration -> Export.
Delete the default parts of the configuration, and only keep the parts that you have
• State your assumptions inside the assignment document! Marks are awarded to sound
Important note about plagiarism:
o You should write the assignment yourself. Under no circumstances any
part of this assignment can be written by anyone else (unless otherwise
some quoted text is clearly stated and referenced)
o Plagiarism will not be tolerated and heavy loss of marks (or zero mark) will be
incurred with possible wider academic penalties.
o The rules apply similarly to the developed codes
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