Plz do Assignment 2 (Skills analysis) shown on attached course outline and the instruction and requirement of this assignment 2 (Skills analysis) is listed on the course outline. (Rmb don’t Make the assignment language difficult and make the language easier as much as possible)

The skills analysis (assignment 2) is work with together with assignment 1 (skills video). In the assignment 1, i have already finished and upload it. You can download my produced video on this link: ( . The assignment (skills video) is based on the content of week 5 tutorial (Narrative therapy). And you can login this link: ( and read the model video produced by the tutors and each week lecture and tutorial content.

****Read carefully Before you do the assignment, plz login ( (Login details was attached on another file, called file 1) and must read all the content of week 1-10. Otherwise, you will easily leave the topic and requirement of what u will be doing on the assignment.

Learning Resources Textbook(s) You will need continual access to the following text(s) to complete this course. The library does not hold multiple copies of the nominated text books. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book(s). Walsh, J 2010, Theories for direct social work practice, 3rd edn, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA USA.

Course Content Students will develop knowledge of advanced intervention, communication and conflict management skills, family violence; child protection and wellbeing, cultural diversity contexts and evidence based practice. The students will enhance their skills in the application of diverse practice perspectives; reflective and ethical practice; working with complexity in different practice settings and managing conflicting interests, professional judgement and decision making.

Welcome to Advanced Practice in Social Work! This studio course teaches advanced skills in social work engagement,assessment, intervention and evaluation and working with conflicting priorities. It requires students to demonstrate client centred skills using diverse practice perspectives in different contexts, to reflect on social work theory and practice, drawing on professional social work identity, ethics and reflexive practice. It aims for students to develop skills in responding to complexity and diversity in different practice settings, to draw on social work theories and evidence based practice and to manage conflicting interests through professional judgement and decision making. This course is designed to help students understand the variety of ways social workers can work therapeutically with clients and relates theory with practice in a way that is meaningful for the student.

Course Objectives On completion of this course, students should be able to: CO1. Apply advanced interviewing skills and demonstrate more complex intervention approaches CO2. Demonstrate the ability to manage conflicting interests in complex situations CO3. Demonstrate advanced intervention skills underpinned by current evidence based practice perspectives CO4. Demonstrate the ability to be a reflexive social work practitioner CO5. Demonstrate advanced professional judgement and decision making in the application of evidence based practice skills. I just need a very good assignment and if u need one more week to find and integrate knowledge, i m ok for this. Hopefully u can try your best.V

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The case provides the opportunity toforecast the cash flowsassociated with the proposedacquisitions and tovalue those projectionsusingdiscounted cash flows methodsas well astransaction and trading multiples.You can find the data for this case on the course website in a spreadsheet named:Radio OneExhibits.xls.1.Why does Radio One want to acquire 12 urban stations from Clear ChannelCommunications in the top 50 markets along with the nine stations in Charlotte, NC,Augusta, GA and Indianapolis, ID? What are the benefits and risks?[HINT:Beclearandconcise. You should not spend more than 2 paragraphs in answeringthis question.]2.What price should Radio One offer based on a discounted cash flow analysis? Are thecash flow projections reasonable? To answer this question I will expect aquantitativeanddetailedanalysis to the following parts of the valuation:a.Projected cash flows.b.Projected capital expenditures and changes in working capital.c.Assess the reasonableness of the forecasts.d.Estimate the discount rate.e.Simple and alternative approaches to terminal values.f.Provide with sensitivity analysis of the parameters you consider relevant.

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