Social Studies / Arts Integrated Curricular Map + Lesson Sequence 

The goals of this assignment are:

  • To evaluate and support your understanding of discipline–specific approaches to teaching and learning
  • To evaluate and support your foundational understandings of teaching and learning
  • To evaluate and support your skill at curriculum mapping and organization.
  • To evaluate and support your skill at designing clear, coherent, meaningful, and justice-oriented learning arcs for students and classroom communities
  • To explore strategies for bringing equity, justice and the arts into the social studies curriculum

Assignment Components: In this assignment you will create a curriculum map of a social studies content area and, taken from this curriculum map, design 2 lesson plans that fit together into an arc of learning and build toward a clear learning goal (or goals). While you may use curricular resources for inspiration, these curriculum map and lesson plans must be of your own design. You can use any format to support your lesson plan writing and reflection. The lessons you choose to write should draw on at least two of the WA State Social Studies Standards and one Arts Integration Standards. So, you will need to integrate at least two social studies areas alongside at least one art. Keep in mind key goals / skills we discussed throughout this quarter, including: equity and justice, challenging stock stories, using maps, timelines and projects and teaching with primary documents.

In addition to your curriculum map and lesson plans, you are welcome to include a context statement in which you offer context for how the lessons fit together into an arc of learning, an overview of the classroom/school context into which the lessons fit and / or anything else you’d like me to know as I read your final work. This is not required.

Final Post: To close the class, you will write a short statement articulating your commitments & plans as a Social Studies teacher. To help get you started, you might respond to the following: What are your commitments and goals as a social studies teacher? What key skills do you plan to teach students? What content is most compelling / pivotal for students to learn? How do you plan to accomplish these goals and intentions? What role will integration play? This post should be between 500-750 words (about a page single spaced) and include at least three resources that were explored throughout the course.

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