case study

George Smith was an employee of SIMS Courier Service.  He was responsible for allocating and sorting parcels for delivery.  He was also responsible for signing the timesheets of all couriers who reported to him.  Smith was a hardworking employee, who regularly received good performance feedback.  One of the couriers who reported to Smith claimed a salary and overtime while not actually at work.  Smith signed off on these claims. 


SIMS found about this fraud, dismissed both employees and referred the courier to the Director of Public Prosecutions.  Smith was dismissed on the grounds of ‘serious and wilful misconduct’. 


SIMS Code of Conduct referred to the requirements of ‘honesty and high performance standards’ and ‘exercising due care in our work’.  It was on these grounds that they decided to dismiss Smith. 


Smith alleged his dismissal was harsh and unjust.



  1. Was the dismissal appropriate? Please justify your answer.


  1. What other approaches could have been taken by SIMS Courier Service in dealing with this incident?


  1. Explain why unethical behaviour should be dealt with promptly.


For this Task, write a report that gives sound reasoning for the dismissal; advise on what  other approaches to dealing with the problem can be made, and give an explanation as to why unethical behaviour should be addressed in an urgent manner.


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