Articulation Essay Assignment
UNST 254
Johnnie Mazzocco
Please, write a short essay (650 – 1000 words) about your writing and
learning process for the course, answering the following questions,
using specific references to your drafts, discussions, and process to
explain and illustrate your answers.
NOTE: This is not an evaluation of the course, your instructor, or your
peers. There is another process in place for that. Here, you will
evaluate YOUR process and progress this term.
• What were your initial learning goals for this course? What did you
see as your strengths and challenges coming into the course?
• What were the important milestones in your process of writing the
Mirror Essay? For instance, how did you choose your identity/role?
What research, analysis, or feedback was important to how you wrote
and rewrote your essay?
• What were your challenges or discoveries (at least two) you made
during your process of writing your Mirror Essay?
• What were the most significant changes you made between each
draft? What feedback from your writing group did you use?
• Choose a role in which you improved or gained a new understanding:
reviewer, researcher, writer, citizen, team member, teacher,
persuader, student, listener, advocate, netizen, or other. Elaborate.
• What knowledge or skills obtained during this course/process will you
apply in your future coursework/career/life?

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