shows the relationship between overall factors affecting student’s preference of nursing education, intent to leave and their demographic characteristics. There was significant relationship between overall factors and each of socio demographic characteristics; nursing student’ residence and intent to leave. In addition, there was no significant relationship between overall factors and age, marital status, and number of children.
There was a significant difference between ability factors and each of socio demographic characteristics such as age, and intent to leave. While, there was no significant relationship between ability factor and each of socio demographic characteristics; marital status, number of children, and residence. However, when it comes to age , nursing students who were in age group 22-24 had increase in mean score regarding ability factor (70.09 ± 20.99) in comparison with those who in age group 25 or more (53.57 ± 10.10). In addition, students who do not intent to leave nursing has increased mean score regarding ability factor (76.24 ± 12.49) in comparison to who intent to leave (61.62 ± 15.03).
Likewise, there was no significant difference between the optimism factors in term of age, marital status, and number of children. While, there was significant difference between same factors in term of residence, and intent to leave. The results indicated that students who live with their families had higher mean score (69.49 ± 19.39) than those who live in campus (53.99 ± 26.33). On the other hand, students who do not intent to leave nursing has increased mean score regarding optimism factors (81.25 ± 13.89) in comparison to who intent to leave (61.04 ± 20.55).

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