I need someone to do a 2-3 page chart following a list of key psychological models and theories of aging, identify the theorist(s) if applicable, and provide a brief explanation of how the theory contributes to our understanding of the aging process. You will need to research some of the theories, as they may not be covered in the course textbook.
Your chart should address the following models:
Selective optimization with compensation (SOC) model
Ecological model of aging
Mechanistic metamodel
Organismic metamodel
Contextual metamodel
And include at least 4 of the following theories:
Disengagement theory
Activity theory
Social Exchange Theory
Age Stratification Theory
You will present your findings in a simple chart format.
Your chart should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Psychology and aging: Addressing mental health needs of older adults

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