Select a disorder from the DSM 5. Find three current empirical journal articles pertaining to your selected topic, and report on their findings. The intent of this assignment is for you to practice your research and writing skills, and also to become familiar with cutting edge issues in diagnosing and treating psychopathology. Some guiding questions include: Why did the authors pursue their topic? How did they design their study? What were the strengths and weaknesses of their designs? What did they find? What might be limitations of their findings or how their findings relate to the field? What are some possible ramifications of their findings on the current practice in the field? What do their findings suggest about the need for future study? How do your three articles relate to each other or mutually inform each other of their topic? Your literature review needs to be in APA format (no abstract is needed. However, there needs to be a cover page (with running head), proper in text citations, and a reference page). Journals (no older than five years) may include, but are not limited to: American Journal of Psychiatry, Behavior Therapy, Behavior Research and Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Research, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavior Assessment, Psychiatry, and Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. If you want to use a journal not included on this list, you will need professor approval.


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