1. Select at least two case studies (of a cultural event, a particular film, a festival held in a particular year, a specific exhibition etc.) to explore, analyse, compare and contrast the idea of convergence as demonstrated by those events or organisations. Make use of supporting material to reinforce your arguments.


  1. The visual culture industry is experiencing significant change in the new

millennium. Investigate this evolution in terms of new facilities, new programs

and/or new delivery/display models by examining the evolution of at least two

arts entities. Use supporting material to reinforce your analysis.

You may select any appropriate arts entities or bodies to illustrate your argument including, but not limited to:


• funding bodies (eg: Australia Council, Creative Victoria or Screen


• exhibiting entities (eg: National Gallery of Victoria, ACMI or the Ian

Potter Museum of Art)

• commercial arts organisations (eg: art dealers, art auction houses)

• cultural festivals (eg: White Night, Melbourne International Film

Festival, or the Melbourne Fringe Festival)


You are also welcome to choose examples drawn from the international cultural sector.


  1. You have been appointed by a cultural entity of your choosing to analyse how successfully that entity has embraced the opportunities offered by new media and new technology. The entity you choose may be any organisation or

institution that exhibits or displays a cultural product or products.

  With reference to supporting material, write a report that summarises your

analysis of your entity’s use of new technology and make comparisons with at

least one other comparable body or institution. You must then make

recommendations for future development and innovation, taking into account

the restrictions that may limit those advances (for example: financial considerations and/or physical constraints).


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