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 Discussion 1

Select an recent attack and discuss it with the group. Cite the newsarticle and use only legitimate news sources. Find two additional academic sources for your attack. This atttack must be within the last six months.

Discussion 2 – Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress. Topic selection is Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems can be found at https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/iasme/10/1/10_100103/_pdf. APA citation is the following. Dawson, M. (2018). Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 10(1), 19-28.  Additional research topics may be provided. Final paper submission is to an academic journal.

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