The staff of the Physical Education Department wants to know if providing a single 15-minute individual coaching session with an expert bowler will enhance students’ bowling scores. Each participant will bowl one game, during which time the coach will unobtrusively observe his or her bowling style. Then, the coach will provide the 15-minute coaching session. Finally, the student will bowl a second game. The scores from both games will be recorded.

Data set: Ch 07 – Exercise 05A.sav Codebook Variable: ID Definition: Participant ID Type: Alphanumeric Variable: pretest Definition: Bowling score on first game Type: Continuous Variable: posttest Definition: Bowling score on second game Type: Continuous

1. Write the hypotheses.

2. Run the criteria of the pretest checklist (normality for posttest − pretest) and discuss your findings.

3. Run the paired t test and document your findings (means and significance [p value], hypothesis resolution).

4. Write an abstract up to 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the paired t test results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.

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