Review the Research Methods and Findings of the Verweij study conducted in 2014 (attached)

In a 2- to 3-page, double-spaced paper,

describe three conclusions you have drawn from the findings in this study, taking into consideration the limitations of the study.

Next describe three implications for clinical practice.

Any additional sources are from last 5 years and the attached research article.

The primary purpose of this quantitative research study is to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention to decrease medication errors in a hospital.

The citation and discussion/conclusion information is intentionally deleted so you can draw your own conclusions.

The 2-3 pages double spaced paper should include the following (see template attached):

Introduces information on the study: includes purpose of the study, methods and findings

-Proposes three conclusions drawn from findings in the study considering limitations of the study. 

-Recommends three implications for clinical practice.

-Concludes paper

-APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″ margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source

  • attachment

  • attachment


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