Report Assessment Rubric (Literature review):


CRITERIA High Distinction (80-100) Distinction (70-79) Credit (60-69) Pass (50-59) Fail (0-49)


Insightful response that reflects a sophisticated interpretation of the literature reviewed. Response that reflects a good understanding and interpretation of the literature reviewed. Response that reflects an understanding and interpretation of the literature reviewed. Satisfactory response that reflects a basic understanding and interpretation of the literature reviewed. Response is unsatisfactory and does not show an understanding or interpretation of the literature reviewed.
Use of evidence


Analysis and evaluation of a range of relevant, reputable scholarly literature is well-integrated to enrich response. Analysis and evaluation of a range of relevant, reputable scholarly literature is used to support response. Analysis and evaluation of some relevant, reputable scholarly literature is used to support response. Reference to relevant, reputable scholarly literature is present but limited. Reference to relevant, reputable scholarly literature is lacking or not evident.
Structure and style



Logically organised introduction, body and conclusion that flows easily. Sophisticated and complex style appropriate for a literature review. Clearly organised introduction, body and conclusion that flows well. Style is appropriate for a literature review. Organised introduction, body and conclusion that generally flows well. Style is generally appropriate for a literature review. Contains introduction, body and conclusion. Style show a basic understanding of a literature review. Lacks appropriate structure and flow, and may be difficult to follow. Overall, style is inappropriate for a literature review.
Technical skills



Uses varied and complex sentence structure. Almost error-free punctuation and grammar. A wide-range of highly appropriate vocabulary and discipline-specific terms. Uses varied sentence structure. Occasional errors in punctuation and grammar. A range of appropriate and accurate discipline-specific vocabulary. Produces mostly error free sentences. Infrequent errors in spelling and punctuation which do not impede understanding. Uses vocabulary and discipline-specific terms accurately. Produces sentences with some variety and accuracy. Errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar occasionally impede understanding. Mostly appropriate vocabulary and key discipline-specific terms. Produces sentences which are repetitive, simplistic, incomplete or run-on. Errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation that interfere with understanding. Limited/inappropriate vocabulary; discipline-specific terms misused/ missing.


Citing and referencing in APA style is appropriate and accurate throughout Citing and referencing is generally appropriate and accurate. Some errors in citing and referencing may be present Citing and referencing is attempted, but with errors. Referencing is consistently inaccurate or not attempted





ENS5566 Literature Review rubrics

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