Assessment #2 – Review protocol/strategy (2800 words) (60%) (Graded)

This assignment requires you to reflect on your clinical experiences to identify a question to be searched which is of interest to you. You will need to explain how and why you developed your question. You will be required to identify 5 relevant studies and state how you found these through a detailed description of your search strategy. Finally you will be asked to reflect on this activity.

Please note the research question you develop and the studies you find will be used in NURS 3046 Nursing Project and NURS 3049 Midwifery Project.

Course Objectives being assessed
CO3. Explain the process of identifying a research problem.
CO5. Apply the research process to develop a research plan.

Assessment details:
Develop a research question from ONE of  six of these health themes:

– Mothers and babies
– Children and families
– Acute care settings
– Older people
– Mental health
– Rural and remote health

Use a database to identify 5 studies that address your question. The studies should not be systematic reviews or literature reviews.
You can use any database that you are familiar with but you may like to become familiar with PubMed as you will be able to continue to use this database once you graduate. See assignment 2 help for more information about using this data base.

Plan a search strategy to locate specific research articles related to your research question. A detailed description of your search strategy is needed
Discuss how your research strategy went. In this section you will be required to identify exactly how your search went, e.g. how many hits you got, how and why you refined your search and exactly how you identified relevant studies.

List the 5 research articles you found. Briefly state how together they are a good fit for your question

Reflect on this activity.

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