Recording can be undertaken by using Kaltura. This is available to students through Flinders University as a software download. The Sturt library has facilities for students to record their presentation when they have developed their slides. Please book a study room and come onto campus if you are unable to access a camera. Students can use their phones to video record, laptops, Kaltura or Collaborate by booking a session. Students can also come into the university and use any desk computer to video record their presentation. Students are to wear their uniform and treat this as a professional presentation. There should be very minimal reliance on notes while delivering the presentation, and the use of notes must not be obvious to the audience. Presentations are to be 10 minutes in length. As a general rule of thumb there is one slide per minute but some may take longer to speak to than others. The following is a YouTube guide to PowerPoint Presentations and there are others on developing and delivering presentations. Slides should be uncluttered, easily read and clear. Generally a slide is made up of dot points that are spoken to and expanded upon by the presenter.

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