Discussion Board questions must be answered thoroughly. Must be APA format, answer thoroughly, must have at least one per response, verifiable legitimate sources. 150+ words, trust your judgement. Due by Sunday September 22, 2019 @ 20 hours.
Week 5 Discussion Post #1 Topic
Instructions: Read and analyze the following case study from the perspective of a public safety administrator, reflect on what actions should be taken. Keep in mind that although this is a private sector based case study. Something very similar could happen in a public safety agency. For example, biological/medical waste in Fire/EMS or evidence tampering in law enforcement.
Questions for Discussion:
· What should Sherry do?
· What are the reasonable limits on loyalty to one’s employer?
· Would it make a difference if Sherry had a position of greater authority?
· Would it make a difference if Sherry had scientific expertise?