(a) Assume/select engine (bhp) size of any brand of car or van or truck etc. Justify your assumption/selection with proper explanation (in your own 150 words max.) (b) Use design standards or design thumb rules for hot air exhaust system to calculate flow, velocity and pipe diameters (provide references) (c) What are the possible material we use for exhaust system? Which one you would select and why? Explain (in your own 150 words max.) (d) What is a muffler? What are the design parameters of muffler? What is the pressure drop factor you will use and why? (Explain in your own 150 words max.) (e) Calculate the pressure drop at point P in equivalent length of pipe as shown in the above sketch? (f) What are Exhaust manifold, Oxygen Sensor, Catalytic Converter and Diesel Particulate Filter? Are the above components may cause change in pressure drop at P? If yes, re sketch the exhaust system with the component(s), select their appropriate pressure factor and calculate pressure at point ” P “. (g) You are allowed to make all necessary assumptions with justification to the above questions. (flow, velocity, diameter and pressure drop cannot be assumed)
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Clearly understand the problem and written all the necessary assumptions required to solve the problem with justification. (02 marks) 2. Selection of engine, calculation of flow, velocity, pipe diameter and pressure factor of each components using standard with reference. (02 marks) 3. Re sketch exhaust system and calculate pressure at point P. (02 marks) 4. Clearly responded to each question as it is asked. (02 marks) S. Clearly explained work in a video uploaded in mp4 format. (02 marks)

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