a) Define the term “enterprise application integration (EAI)”. (2marks)
b) Explain four components which are essential for an enterprise application integration.
(8 marks)
c) Explain two advantages and three disadvantages of data warehousing. (10 marks)

Rapid application development(RAD) is a software development process which allows information systems to be built in a shorter period often with some compromises.

a) Describe three problems in software development which are addressed by RAD. (6 marks)
b) Highlight three situations when RAD is applicable and three situations when RAD is not applicable. (6 marks)
c) Examine four advantages and four disadvantages of RAD. (8 marks)

a) E-commerce can change the economies of developing nations. However, e-commerce in these nations is in its early stages and there are major challenges that hold back its growth.

Identify and describe:
1) Two cultural challenges to the growth of e-commerce in these countries.
2) Two infrastructural challenges to the growth of e-commerce in developing countries.

b) Wangu Ltd is in the process of automating its operations. The senior management of Wangu Ltd are however not aware of the benefits of computer networks to an organization.

Briefly describe four components of computer networks to an organization. (8 marks)

a) Highlight five characteristics of information. (5 marks)
b) Systems are designed, implemented and managed using models which are abstractions of reality which allow people to apply principles that are assumed to hold true for many different types of systems.

With reference to the above statement and citing examples,identify four system models.
(8 marks)

c)Explain the term “computer system” and outline six logical units of a computer system.
(7 marks)




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