Five different experiments are carried out. In each experiment, a block is attached to a horizontal spring. The block is pulled back a certain distance and released. The block oscillates back and forth on a frictionless surface. Rank the amplitude of oscillation for each of the following situations. (Rank the smallest amplitude as

A block of mass M is attached to a spring with a spring constant 2k, pulled back a distance d, and released.

A block of mass M is attached to a spring with a spring constant k, pulled back a distance (1/2)d, and released.

A block of mass M is attached to a spring with a spring constant k, pulled back a distance d, and released.

A block of mass 2M is attached to a spring with a spring constant k, pulled back a distance d, and released.

A block of mass M is attached to a spring with a spring constant 2k, pulled back a distance (1/2)d, and released.

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