PSY 3210 – Journal Article Review Guidelines
- Select an article on any subject pertaining to the psychology of women. The article
should ideally be from the last five years but published no more than 10 years ago. It
MUST be from a professional/academic journal (See suggested journal titles below). The
article must present the findings of a research study or studies conducted by the
- Provide a proper APA style reference. Example:
Hyde, J. S. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist, 60(6), 581-592.
- Provide a brief summary of the study describing the topic, question, or hypothesis/es
being investigated; the participants; basic info about the method or design; and the
findings. (approximately 1 paragraph)
- Identify the strengths and limitations of the research/article. Do the author’s conclusions
seem valid and appropriate to you? Does the author identify limitations of the study and
suggest ideas for future research to build upon the findings? Are there additional
suggestions you might make for further study?
- Provide your reactions to the findings – did they surprise you or challenge previous
assumptions you might have had about the topic? If so, how? Did the findings inform
you in some way – what did you learn? Identify any questions or concerns you may have
about the study, the results, and the author’s conclusions.
- Your review should be approximately 2-3 pages in length, using 12-pt Times Roman or
Courier font, and be double-spaced.
- Please attach a copy of the article to your paper.
- Suggested Journal Titles:
Psychology of Women Quarterly
Feminism and Psychology
Women and Therapy
Gender and Society
Sex Roles
Violence Against Women
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
American Psychologist
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Counseling Psychologist
Journal of Counseling and Development
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology