Create and Curate Your Own Art Museum

This assignment is an alternative option for visiting a museum or art gallery. For this paper, you will select and curate a minimum of 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists to include in your own art museum. Use your textbook and online sources to help you find these works of art. A good resource for this assignment is the Google Arts and Culture website from the Google Cultural Institute. Here you can immerse yourself in cultural experiences across art, history and wonders of the world—from more than a thousand museums across 70 countries.

Assignment Instructions

Write a 2–3 page report, 500–750 words that describes your experience.

  1. Select a minimum of 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists, from different time periods discussed in the text (Ancient Times to 1600s).
  2. Clearly identify the location of the museum and your initial reaction when exploring the artwork in the online museum or gallery.
  3. Provide a description and summary of at least 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists.
  4. Include a screenshot of each piece.
  5. Explain your initial reaction to the artwork you selected and explain why you chose each piece.
  6. Describe the role of museum founder and curator.
  7. Use the class text as a reference (additional sources are fine, but not necessary unless required by your content). Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text.

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