Provide (2) 150 words response with a minimum of 1 APA references for RESPONSES 1 AND 2 below. Response provided should further discuss the subject or provide more insight. To further understand the response, below is the discussion post that’s discusses the responses. 100% original work and not plagiarized. Must meet deadline.


Hello everyone,

There are a variety of different forms and versions of Trojan malware and sniffers. For this situation the end goal is the access of sensitive data. The attack would be to smuggle a specific sniffer that will capture data in some way by using Trojan malware. The Trojan could take on a number of forms to be executed on the victim’s computer. It needs to infect and be attached to a legitimate file of some kind. It could be an email with an executable file or some kind of download. It just has to look like something completely innocent and trustworthy. Once it is executed, the Trojan releases its payload. In this instance the payload will be address resolution protocol (ARP) poisoning. This sniffer proceeds to poison the ARP cache of hosts on the network causing network traffic to be directed to the hacker (Baltazar, 2006).

The flaw hypothesis methodology for the hacker starts within an examination and brainstorming on paper, if you will, of a series of potential vulnerabilities in the target system. These areas of examination include past flaws in similar systems, unclear design, circumvention of security controls, incompleteness in designs and policies, any deviation from recommended policy norms, special precautions and system anomalies, and operational and developmental practices and prohibitions ( Weissman, 1995). Once a plan is produced, the penetration hack commences.


Baltazar, J. (2006, August 25). Trojan Uses ARP Poisoning. Retrieved July 30, 2020, from

Weissman, C. (1995, January 24). SECURITY PENETRATION TESTING GUIDELINE: A Chapter of the Handbook for the Computer Security Certification of Trusted Systems [PDF]. NRL Technical Memorandum.


Hello Class,

I hope everyone is having a great week! This week we are discussing how a malicious user would use a trojan with a sniffer to access sensitive data. A sniffer can obtain network traffic as it goes across the network. That is not all, according to Sean -Philip Oriyano “a sniffer can give an attacker access to a large amount of information, including e-mail passwords, Web passwords, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) credentials, e-mail contents, and transferred files” (Oriyano, (2013). A good example of a sniffer is Wireshark or even Tcpdump which is not so surprising. So, we all have pretty much used a sniffer in this class. Additionally, a malicious user being able to effectively use a sniffer could have dangerous outcomes.

A trojan is a virus that allows one to do a few things, but what I have been looking at in particular is backdoors. If a trojan opens a backdoor into your computer, they will be able to access the computer and control it. According to, “Backdoor Trojans will allow hackers to remotely access and control a computer, often for the purpose of uploading, downloading, or executing files at will” (N/A, (2020). This type of virus is truly scary, and one idea that comes to my mind, is a malicious user getting a person’s personal information and baiting them into clicking onto an email to open a backdoor. If a person has someone’s personal information, they could most certainly trick them into downloading something, especially if the attacker is studying the user, or has access to any of their personal accounts. Using a trojan and a sniffer at the same time could definitely cause a lot of problems for someone.

An attacker using the Flaw Hypothesis Methodology could use it to attempt or gain ground into a system. They would gather specific information, make them a list of vulnerabilities, test them out, and potentially find more access points like it (Bishop, (2004).



Bishop, Matt. (2004). Chapter 20: Vulnerability Analysis. Retrieved from

N/A. (2020). What is a Trojan Virus? Retrieved from

Oriyano, S. (2013). Hacker Techniques, Tools, and Incident Handling. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

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