1. Prepare and present a complete Mentoring Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Learning Strategy covering peer-to-peer learning within a defined organisation or entity (real or conceptual). The report may be framed as a report to the executive decision makers in a business. The Mentoring strategy should include the following to support program implementation:
a. Executive summary
b. A management structure, including
i. Resources required
ii. Mode and how communication will occur between the mentor and mentee
c. Mentor and mentee selection process, including
i. Commentary on induction and how candidates will be matched
ii. Mentor and mentee selection criteria, procedures and tools
d. Support structures, including
i. establishing methods and resources to achieve designated outcomes
ii. Tools to be used
iii. Addressing potential cultural differences or diversity issues in mentor-mentee relationships
e. Action Plan
f. Program evaluation, including how data will be collected
g. A conclusion, including any recommendations based on the planned outcomes and the next steps
On approval from your course coordinator or unit lecturer this topic may be extended to cover a coaching strategy instead of mentoring.

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