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I would like you to make ( APIE ) for this problem : increasing the number of patient fall in the ward. The structure will be like this:
1- Analysis- Problem finding:
– what is not happening that should be? ( 1 paragraph).
-why is it important to do something about it now-what is the business case for improvement? ( 1 paragraph).
– vision – out line the future vision ( 1 paragraph).
– voice of customer matrix ( VOC ).
– SIPOC diagram ( at least a high level process map 10-16 steps ).
2- Analysis- Root Cause Analysis ( RCA ):
– negative brainstorming ( Spider diagram/ mind map ).
– PEMME/ Ishikawa ( Fishbone diagram ).
– 5 x Whys
3- Planning – Solution Generation:
-These may fall out of the RCA
-Concept Extraction- to generate a range of possible solutions for evaluation .
4- Planning – Solution Selection :
-Paired Comparison and,
– A multi – criteria matrix ( weightings x ratings ).
Special Notes: * If you developed many solutions -you may wish to use voting N/3 to reduce your solution set to say 7 solutions.
* Don’t forget to evaluate within the multi – criteria matrix the ( don nothing solution) ie carry on as present.
5- Implementation:
– Include a simple implementation plan…………………

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