1a. What does the constitution say about water resources? (2 marks)
b. State three riparian rights. (3 marks)
c. Explain the underlying key principles of the Water Act 2002. (5 marks)

2a. State five roles of Rift Valley Services Board. (5 marks)
b. State the main synoptic scale systems affecting rainfall in Kenya. (5 marks)

3a. List five major water ”towers” in Kenya. (2 marks)
b. Differentiate between point and non-point sources of pollution. (2 marks)
c. Outline three ways that you can reduce nutrient loading on a river. (3 marks)
d. How is mathematical modelling important for a river system? (2 marks)
e. Write the required parameters for estimating erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation. (1 mark)






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