Question  (13 Marks)
a). Suppose every instruction in a RISC subset can be implemented in at most 5 clock cycles. Suggest what might be the 5 clock cycles. (5 Mks)
b). Outline and provide a concise discussion on the suitability of each of the four attributes of interconnection networks, for each of the four different interconnection networks. Make sure that you justify the suitability of a given attribute to a given interconnection networks. (8 Mks)

Question  (13 Marks)
a). The use of different interconnection networks in a shared memory multiprocessor system leads to system with different characteristics/architecture. Discuss any three of those characteristics. (6 Mks)
b). Outline the mail Advantages and Disadvantages of shared-memory and message-passing paradigms.
(7 Mks)




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