1. Outline the key features of the ‘crime control’ and ‘due process’ models of criminal justice. [30 Marks]

2. “Prison does not rehabilitate offenders; it just locks up people who continue to be a danger to others on release”. Discuss the accuracy of this statement. [20 Marks]

3. Critically assess community policing as a model of police service delivery. [20 Marks]

4. “Other than permanently incapacitating offenders, there is no other justification for upholding capital (death) sentence in Kenya”. Discuss this statement and support your position in the issue. [20 Marks]

5. The main role of police has always been one of maintaining public order. Discuss.
[20 Marks]

6. The probation service has been described as a law enforcement agency. Discuss this statement and identify features of probation practice that support or negate this notion. [20 Marks]









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