a) Why should one study octal & Hexadecimal systems when the digital
machine understands only binary system?
b) Simplify the Boolean equation (A + AB).
c) Where do we use signed binary number?
d) Convert decimal 1000 to octal and Hexadecimal system.
e) What is the utility of floating point representation of numbers?
f) Write the truth table of 2-input Ex-NOR gate.
g) How NOT gate function can be obtained from NOR gate?
h) Explain where do we use MUX?
i) What is the function of an Encoder?
j) Define with example, a combinational circuit.
k) Draw a labelled block diagram of a -ve edge triggered J-K Flip Flop.
l) Explain difference between volatile and Non-volatile memories.
m) Explain what do you mean by secondary memories.
n) What are the applications of D-Flip Flop?
o) Where do we use DC PRESET and DC CLEAR terminals in Flip

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