Assessment cover sheet
For your assessment to be marked you must complete and upload all tasks and this cover sheet via the AAMC Training Group portal. Your assessment tasks may be uploaded in an electronic format, i.e. Word, Excel or PDF, unless specified. A maximum of five (5) attachments (maximum 20MB each) can be uploaded for this assessment. Please see the step-by-step instructions in your Members Area on how to upload assessments.

Student details
Course name
Assessment name Loan Application Process Assessment
Student name

When you upload your assessment you will be asked to confirm that your assessment submissionto AAMC Training is your own work and NOT the result of plagiarism or excessive collaboration, and that all material used from any third party has been identified and referenced appropriately. AAMC Training may conduct independent evaluation checks and contact your supervisor to discuss your assessment.
Checklist of attachments:
? Task 1 – Case Study ? A OR? B
? Task 2 – Report/Written Test
? Task 3 – Report/Written Test
? Task 4 – ? A (Activity) and? B (Short Answers)
Please indicate style of course undertaken:
?Face to face Trainer’s name:
?Correspondence ? Online
Once your assessment has been uploaded it will be pending review with your nominated course assessor and marked within 5-10 working days. You will receive an email advising you have been marked as “satisfactory” or “additional information required”.
If you have queries relating specifically to your assessment please log an ‘Assessment Query’ under the HELP tab on your Members Area dashboard and a Student Support officer will respond.
Alternatively, if you have an administration query please go to ‘Admin Query’. For example: I am having trouble with uploading my assessments and require assistance – can you please help me with this?
Should you need to speak to someone during office hours, please contact us by:
Phone: +61 (03) 9391 3643 / +61 (0)8 9344 4088 OR Email: [email protected]

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