Q1)a) Examine any five ways through which new technologies affect interpersonal communication (10 marks)
b) Explain Mark Knapp ten-step
model of the way communication relationships grow and dissolve (15 marks).

Q2) Identify and explore some of the errors you might make in the process of perceive others in interpersonal communication and relationships parse ( 15 marks).

Q3) What is nonverbal communication? Describe six instances that nonverbal and verbal communication work in conjunction (15 marks).

Q4) Using Johari”s Window, Examine the importance of self disclosure in the development of interpersonal relationship through effective communication strategies ( 15 marks).

Q5) Explain five potential intercultural communication problems that you can advise people to avoid in order to improve in their communication and relationship with people from other cultures and co-cultures (15 marks).

Q6) What is small group communication? Discuss brieflyany four small group communication competencies and highlight on how they influence effective communication relationships (15 marks)




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